Premier: #SoloDoloTuesdays
#SoloDoloTuesdays is a weekly platform for solo artists and small collectives to showcase their creative talents.
In the process of evaluating acts for feature consideration, the artist and space curator together discuss an agenda for the night that optimizes the artist’s desired objective for the installation.
Streaming video interviews, live performances, art exhibits, screenings, artist development panels with Q&A and more are all possible elements that might make up a #SoloDoloTuesdays night session.
#SoloDoloTuesdays: April Premier Showcase Artists:
April 11th: Mia X
April 25th: GHOST
Presented by: Create And Get Empowered Hosted by: TheArtistRecreatesTheWorld Admission: FREE Donations: Suggested Donor Support: ArtStart + Creative Catalyst
Please support the artist and SoloDoloTuesdays via our unique GoFundMe strategy. Each weekly featured artist will have the option to opt in on receiving donations to help with the costs associated with their art business. We provide a GoFundMe link that the artist is encouraged to share with their own supporters. The donations raised during the campaign will be shared equally between the featured artist and Create And Get Empowered as a way to support the artist as well as the curatorial efforts involved in production of the program.
If you are an artist who is interested in participating, contact us: